Environmental experts get GIS skills

Over 25 environment experts including three from Burundi are undertaking a two week training in Geographical Information System (GIS) applications to help in the sustainable management of natural resources.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Over 25 environment experts including three from Burundi are undertaking a two week training in Geographical Information System (GIS) applications to help in the sustainable management of natural resources.

The training, that started yesterday is sponsored by the United Nations Environmental program (UNEP), World Agro forestry center (ICRAF) and the government of Rwanda through the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal resources.

At the opening ceremony, the Minister of Agriculture, Dr Agnes Kalibata, urged the trainees to utilize the opportunity and acquire skills that will help the country deal with the effects of climate change.

Kalibata mentioned Rain Water Harvesting and Gishwati projects as among the current projects that need their technical expertise to be successful.

She said the Rain Water Harvest project will facilitate farmers get water for both irrigation and domestic use, while at the same time control soil erosion.

Speaking to The New Times, Meshaka Nyabenge, United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) Representative said trainees will be exposed to numerous GIS applications in Rain Water Harvest Management, land and forest management.

He also said they will acquire skills relating to population demography, weather forecasting and emergency scenarios such as the outbreak of fire.
