Did you know…

• The blood of mammals is red, the blood of insects is yellow, the blood of lobsters is blue. This is due to different pigments in their blood that bring about colour variation. Like mammals have a pigment called Heam which has red Iron (II) ions, that give blood its colour.

Monday, May 03, 2010

• The blood of mammals is red, the blood of insects is yellow, the blood of lobsters is blue. This is due to different pigments in their blood that bring about colour variation. Like mammals have a pigment called Heam which has red Iron (II) ions, that give blood its colour.

• When ants find food, they lay down a chemical trail called a pheromone, so that other ants can find their way from the nest to the food source.

• Amazon ants (red ants) steal the larvae of other ants and make them slaves. The slave ants build residential homes and feed the Amazon ants, who cannot do anything but fight.

• In a decade (1997-2007) Rwanda and Sierra Leone have made the greatest gains in life expectancy; 11 years and 8 years respectively. Conversely, life expectancy has decreased 13 years in Lesotho; 10 years in South Africa and Swaziland.

• Women in Rwanda’s national parliament total seats are the highest with 5.6% in Rwanda and the lowest with 1.8% in Sao tome and Principe.

• In 2010, starting a business Guinea requires 213 days for each procedure; it takes 3 days in Rwanda. According to World Bank statistics.

• Chinese families often have nicknames for members such as Bo (cow), Tho (rabbit) and Gau (bear) so that evil spirits are not attracted to the child.

• Children in Vietnam may be named as in order of birth. The first born may be named Ca (biggest), the second Hai (number two) and Ba (number three) and so on.

• The Sichuan Province of china contains more people than the combined populations of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Austria, Guatemala, Holland, Portugal, and Greece.

• Usually in China when addressing a Chinese, never use the first name unless you have a close relationship. It is common and advisable to use their official or professional titles such as Doctor Wai or Inspector Lee.

• On the first day of Vietnam’s Tet, everyone gets up early. The first sound heard has special meaning. For instance, a crow crowing means hard work and a bad harvest for the rest of the year but a dog barking means confidence and trust.

Quote of the Day
A strong man stands for himself, but a stronger man stands for others.
