Editorial: Celebrate Christmas with caution

December 25th is the day many people will be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. This day better known as Christmas has been celebrated for a very long time, more than two thousand years ago.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

December 25th is the day many people will be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. This day better known as Christmas has been celebrated for a very long time, more than two thousand years ago.

Traditionally, Christmas is a day when families get together and share the joy of the birth of Jesus. At the same time, the fact that it falls at the end of the year creates a situation where by people get time off the hectic work to rest.

At the same time for believers, it should provide an opportunity to renew their faith in Christ Jesus. In the same respect according to clerics, Jesus was born so that peace could prevail among the children of God.

This should inspire people to commit themselves to a peaceful co-existence with their neighbors. Christian values that promote peace are a cornerstone of human progress, since they help to avoid conflict.

This message of peace is relevant to most African countries- Rwanda inclusive since it has recently emerged from a conflict situation.

Above all, as people celebrate the birth of Jesus, and end of the year, caution should be taken in how they celebrate. Heavy drinking and drunk  driving most times lead to accidents and crime during this festive season.

So, as we celebrate let every one be responsible and avoid unnecessary trouble. Christmas all in all, means different things to different people.

To understand what Christmas means to different people, Sunday Times talked to a number of people and they told us what it means in their life to celebrate or not to celebrate Christmas and what message it should convey to the rest.

Enjoy the rest of the magazine. Sunday Times team wishes u a happy Christmas and prosperous New Year.
