Domestic violence in Gisagara declining

GISAGARA – The Executive Secretary of Muganza sector; Jacques Kabogora, said that since the Community Policing was introduced in the sector, gender based violence crimes have significantly decreased.

Monday, May 03, 2010

GISAGARA – The Executive Secretary of Muganza sector; Jacques Kabogora, said that since the Community Policing was introduced in the sector, gender based violence crimes have significantly decreased.

"Women who are the main victims of gender based violence now sit on community policing committees. This has ensured that such crimes are reported and appropriate action taken to deter others from doing the same in future,” Kabogora said.

According to Supt Jean Marie Njangwe, the District Police commander, Community Policing Committees in Muganza sector, Gisagara district have also been vital in ensuring security.

Speaking to The New Times, Njangwe noted that the collaboration between Community Policing committees and the National Police has ensured timely intervention to prevent crime in the area.

"Community Policing Committees give accurate information from the ground which we use to curtail crime,” said Supt. Njangwe.

Marie Frederic Kantarama, a resident of the sector said that these committees have greatly helped the local population because they can be accessed easily in case of any security threat.

Muganza Sector has 59 Villages with a 5-member Community Policing Committee in each.
