Kabahizi wants Police to focus more on environmental campaign

RUBAVU – The Western Provincial Governor Celestin Kabahizi has asked the Police to put more attention to on environment campaign and disaster management in their activities marking the 10th anniversary.

Friday, April 30, 2010

RUBAVU – The Western Provincial Governor Celestin Kabahizi has asked the Police to put more attention to on environment campaign and disaster management in their activities marking the 10th anniversary.

Speaking to The New Times, Kabahizi said environment and disaster management are the main challenges in Rubavu, Nyabihu, Ngororero and other districts of the province.
"Police have done a commendable job in the fight against crime and protecting the population. However it would be far much better for police to focus their attention on to environmental issues as well,” he said.

"We can’t stop disasters from occurring but some measures can go a long way in mitigating such disasters from happening. One way of doing that is through planting trees and terracing.”

The Governor noted that the community policing has been able to boost security in the villages.
