Don’t be Fooled by the Superficial Money Façade

Do not be fooled by first impressions, they only take seconds to form which isn’t enough time to develop a true and authentic opinion about someone. 

Thursday, April 29, 2010
It so easy to be fooled by first impressions.

Do not be fooled by first impressions, they only take seconds to form which isn’t enough time to develop a true and authentic opinion about someone. 

Formulating first impressions about people happens unconsciously, we don’t have to speak to a person before this happens, and in most cases all we have to do is look at them.

Many people are fooled by the superficial money façade, and after a while it may become evident that how a person appeared upon an initial encounter isn’t really what they turned out to be.

There are many things one can notice beneath the superficial money mask and these things usually surface after a first impression has been formed.

At times it seems unfair to know that forming first impressions are inevitable, because this means that people aren’t given a chance to make themselves known well enough before they are labeled, judged or assumed to be a certain way.

Money has a way of screaming out stereotypical first impressions about wealthy people, some are positive while others, negative. It’s so common for people to assume that individuals with money don’t have problems, after all if he drives a nice car, wears designer clothes and lives in a beautiful house what more could he possibly want?

Well, whether it is family, money, or emotional issues the reality is that, we all have problems no matter what our status is.

To emphasize this point further, there is a story I once heard about a millionaire who continuously obsessed about making money. It reached a point where he couldn’t even sleep at night because he was worried that if he did, he would miss out on many money- making opportunities.

Consequently, he found himself lying in bed awake while figures ran wild in his mind as he frantically added up his potential profits and careless losses!

So is it really fair to form your first impression about someone based on their riches? One thing I’ve learned is not to assume anything about anyone.

Things may not always appear the way they really are, and to know personal truths about someone, we will need to look beyond the superficial money mask and get to know the person for who they are.