Rwanda to host Zone 5 handball tourney

RWANDA Handball Federation (Ferwahand) is full of excitement after getting CAHB, (Africa’s handball governing body)’s nod to host the Zone 5 women championship in June. The federation’s vice president Antoine Mbarushimana believes the event will add to their experience and improve their standards in regional competitions.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

RWANDA Handball Federation (Ferwahand) is full of excitement after getting CAHB, (Africa’s handball governing body)’s nod to host the Zone 5 women championship in June.

The federation’s vice president Antoine Mbarushimana believes the event will add to their experience and improve their standards in regional competitions.

"It is a big honour for us and we intend to make the most of it.  Time is not on our side but we hope to do our best,” the official said.

Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Eritrea, Somalia, and Ethiopia are all expected to compete in the championship which will run from June 6-12.
