Business boom due to Christmas shopping

EASTERN PROVINCE GATSIBO — Business at Rwagitima market, this Wednesday was booming due to Christmas shopping, traders said. Traders and buyers reportedly flocked the market from across the district as it was the last market day to Christmas.

Friday, December 21, 2007


GATSIBO — Business at Rwagitima market, this Wednesday was booming due to Christmas shopping, traders said. Traders and buyers reportedly flocked the market from across the district as it was the last market day to Christmas.

Though it is normally a busy market, many residents were surprised by the big turn up of people buying goods ranging from food stuffs, clothes, and mattresses to other house hold merchandise like saucepans and plates.

Along the main road, people could be seen carrying heavy loads of commodities on their backs and others on bicycles from the market. Proprietors of eateries were among the people who bought food stuffs in plenty, reportedly for stocking.

By late evening, commuter taxis increased fare because of the many passengers leaving the market.

"Today I am buying food stuffs in plenty to take me through Christmas, because this is the last market day to Christmas. Next Wednesday will be a public holiday [Boxing Day]” one restaurant owner from Kabarore said.

The Christmas mood was visible as some people after shopping, went on to feast; drinking from the local bars around the market.
