Gihundwe medics visit Murambi memorial site

SOUTHERN PROVINCE NYAMAGABE — A group of over 100 medical personnel from Gihundwe hospital, in Rusizi district,  this Monday visited Murambi Genocide memorial site.

Friday, December 21, 2007


NYAMAGABE — A group of over 100 medical personnel from Gihundwe hospital, in Rusizi district,  this Monday visited Murambi Genocide memorial site.

The group observed a moment of silence in memory of the genocide victims, after listening to tales of what happened in Murambi during the 1994 Genocide.

Addressing the medics, Dr. Theophile Dushime, the hospital director, urged them to fight against genocide ideology and divisionism which caused the genocide.

"It’s very absurd to remember what happened in our nation during 1994 because we lost supportive and courageous Rwandans; but what I can advise you is to reflect on what occurred and fight genocide ideology and anything related to it,” Dushime said. He also urged the group to promote peace, unity and reconciliation among Rwandans.

Dushime further asked the medics to always help genocide survivors; and to encourage genocide suspects to speak the truth of what happened and ask forgiveness from Rwandans and genocide survivors for their crimes during the genocide.
