Rwanda did well to deal firmly with HRW

Editor, It was sad to read in yesterday’s edition of your newspaper how an established organisation like the Human Rights Watch (HRW) tried to use intimidating tactics and even approached His Excellency Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda, to regularise glaring lapses and forged documents just to get their Country Director, Carina Tertsakian to stay on in Rwanda.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


It was sad to read in yesterday’s edition of your newspaper how an established organisation like the Human Rights Watch (HRW) tried to use intimidating tactics and even approached His Excellency Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda, to regularise glaring lapses and forged documents just to get their Country Director, Carina Tertsakian to stay on in Rwanda.

HRW, as the very name suggests should ensure that they display, at all times, utmost care and caution in dealing with what is right for all humans.

Using their position and power to indulge in wrong practices, as in the case of their Country Director, is untenable.

They have shown utter arrogance and disrespect for the administration and the laws of the land.

Rwanda has always advocated zero tolerance to corruption and surely did well to deal firmly with HRW.

The Hon. Minister of Foreign Affairs and Government Spokesperson, Louise Mushikiwabo, did well to clarify the stand taken by the Government.

The country has made tremendous progress over the last sixteen years and will always welcome warmly , foreign nationals who want to visit , live and even work in this beautiful land of a million smiles , provided of course that their documentation is all in order.

Kind regards.

Clarence Fernandes
Chairman, Rwanda Renaissance.