Mother, Child Health week launched

KAMONYI – The Minister of Health, Dr. Richard Sezibera, yesterday urged Rwandans to play their part to attain development goals by responding to all available initiatives that save lives.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The Minister of Health Dr. Richard Sezibera immunises a child as he launched the Mother-Child Health week in Kamonyi District yesterday. (Photo; J. Mbanda)

KAMONYI – The Minister of Health, Dr. Richard Sezibera, yesterday urged Rwandans to play their part to attain development goals by responding to all available initiatives that save lives.

Sezibera made this call during the official launch of the Mother and Child Health week that took place yesterday in Kamonyi district, Southern Province.

Addressing multitudes that had turned up for the activity, the minister noted that this week was set aside to focus on the health of mothers and children.

He emphasized that the period, therefore, serves as a reminder that no woman should die giving life and no child should die of preventable diseases.

"We need to prevent the death of infants and their mothers during birth resulting from malaria, poor hygiene and other disease,” he said.

During the week, children will be immunized against killer diseases like polio, pneumococcal, measles and receive deworming tablets among others.

Breast feeding mothers will also- vitamin A tablets and iron tablets for those pregnant as well as Sur-eau products for water purification.

The launch was carried out in collaboration with the Rwanda National Police and key health development partners, like WHO, the Access Project and Imbuto Foundation, among others.
