Anger as driving permit’s exam is cancelled

GICUMBI – Police in Gicumbi district was on Monday forced to cancel provisional driving permit exams at the last minute after it was realised that the exam had been leaked.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Residents who turned up for provisional driving license at Gicumbi stadium on Monday. (Photo: A. Gahene)

GICUMBI – Police in Gicumbi district was on Monday forced to cancel provisional driving permit exams at the last minute after it was realised that the exam had been leaked.

Over 3,000 residents who had turned up for the exam at Gicumbi Stadium received the news with shock, when they were ordered to return the following day to sit for fresh exams. 

"Our investigations have revealed that some of you had access to this exam a day before sitting it, which is why Police have decided to cancel it until Tuesday at 9.00 a m, when you will sit for another exam,” said the commander of Byumba Police Station CIP Festus Muvara. The officer made the announcement after mid day. 

The cancellation sparked anger among residents who had reported at the stadium as early as 7.00 a.m. "I have come all the way from Kibungo in the Eastern Province and I have nowhere to stay for Tuesday’s exam,” said an elderly lady only identified as Mukankusi. 

Gicumbi district employees who had also turned out for the Monday exam were equally bitter. "How can the police decide to send us away after mid day when we have been waiting for the exam since morning,” said the district official in-charge of Good Governance, Joseph Munyezamu. 

Many residents blamed the police for the exams leakage. "The Police later discovered that the exam had been leaked, only after seeing a vast number of applicants giving out questions and answers of the exam to their friends,” said one resident.
