Mombasa strike shows the need for a railway to Dar

Editor, Although the Kenyan government has assured Rwandans that their goods are safe in Mombasa Port, despite a strike staged by Kenyan transporters which William Mtengo the Resident Representative of the Kenya Ports Authority (KPA), said caused minimal effect and that it hasn’t affected all parties’ shows our vulnerability to things beyond our control.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Although the Kenyan government has assured Rwandans that their goods are safe in Mombasa Port, despite a strike staged by Kenyan transporters which William Mtengo the Resident Representative of the Kenya Ports Authority (KPA), said caused minimal effect and that it hasn’t affected all parties’ shows our vulnerability to things beyond our control.

That is why I’m urging all parties to do everything to make the Kigali-Dar es Salaam railway line a possibility. Right now, we have only one really reliable route to the sea, Mombasa, and whenever  there is turmoil along that route (like during the post-election violence) or at the Port, we are in trouble.

I think that its wise to not put all our eggs in one basket.

Linda Mutesi