Political parties should have an environmental stand

Editor, I am pleased that political parties under the Consultative Forum of Political Organizations in Rwanda have discussed climate change in a meeting they had recently. Climate change is one of the biggest challenges that the world is going to face in the coming years and decades.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I am pleased that political parties under the Consultative Forum of Political Organizations in Rwanda have discussed climate change in a meeting they had recently. Climate change is one of the biggest challenges that the world is going to face in the coming years and decades.

It is an issue that is being talked about in most major capitals, and I think that Rwandan parties have an obligation to show us, the electorate, what their plans are with regard to climate change and its mitigation in Rwanda.  

While I understand that Rwanda faces many challenges, putting climate change and environmentalism on the backburner is a mistake. As a country with an agricultural backbone, climate change will, in all probability, affect farmers in rural areas the most.

When we remember that the vast majority of Rwandans live in these rural areas then it becomes pertinent that climate change, and the way Rwanda shall mitigate its effects, becomes a major electoral issue. I’m proud that our political parties have put climate change on their radar.

Sam Rwego