Kicukiro district owes us an explanation

Editor, Please allow me to express my dissatisfaction at Kicukiro District. I recently approached the District to transfer ownership of a recently bought piece of land in that District.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Please allow me to express my dissatisfaction at Kicukiro District. I recently approached the District to transfer ownership of a recently bought piece of land in that District.

I was surprised to hear that I have to pay Rwf 100.000. However, the law clearly stipulates that one should pay a maximum of Rwf 20.000 to transfer ownership.

When I asked why they are charging five times more than the law stipulated, they responded that the Rwf 80.000 extra is used to pay a contractor who will change the name appearing on the Fiche Cadastrale of the plot.

The answer raised two questions:
1. Why does the District need to pay a contractor to change just a ‘name’? Doesn’t the District have the staff that can do it?

2. If they really have to use a contractor, why would they pay them such an astronomical amount?

After discussing this issue with some District staff, they confessed that actually they charge the extra money to generate added revenues for the District operations.

My message to the Mayor of Kicukiro District is that although we would like our District to develop we should not be asked to pay outrageous sums for services!

Kicukiro District