No one is above the law

Editor, After reading the story in The New Times of Thursday, April 22 about Madam Voctoire Umuhoza Ingabire and her troubles with the Rwandan law, I came to a conclusion that no one in this country is or should be above the law.

Friday, April 23, 2010


After reading the story in The New Times of Thursday, April 22 about Madam Voctoire Umuhoza Ingabire and her troubles with the Rwandan law, I came to a conclusion that no one in this country is or should be above the law.

Following her utterances since returning to Rwanda a couple of months ago, Madam Ingabire had been on the wrong side of the law, and I wasn’t surprised when she was officially charged with association with a terrorist group, propagating the genocide ideology, revisionism and ethnic division.

The three charges are of a very serious nature. I trust that the Rwandan judicial system will try her fairly and the truth will come out.
