Malawi delegation impressed by Kigali City

KIGALI - A delegation of nine Malawian government officials, who are in the country on a duty tour, has hailed the Rwandan government for the progress it has made in various development fields.

Thursday, April 22, 2010
KCCu2019s Vice Mayor Jeanne du2019Arc Gakuba and Patrick Kabambe of the Malawian delegation addressing the press yesterday. (Photo; S. Mugisha)

KIGALI - A delegation of nine Malawian government officials, who are in the country on a duty tour, has hailed the Rwandan government for the progress it has made in various development fields.

Patrick Kabambe, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development in Malawi, said that his team was impressed by the rapid growth of Government programs. However, it was Kigali City that impressed them most. 

"The most important thing which has made us so amazed is the general cleanliness around Kigali City. This city is one of the most beautiful cities in Africa,” Kabambe said during a meeting with KCC officials.   

The Vice Mayor of Kigali City in charge of Social Affairs, Jeanne d’Arc Gakuba, briefed the Malawian delegation about the various developmental activities and factors that have facilitated Rwanda’s growth.

"Sixteen years ago, our country had no direction because of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsis. But, we have improved in various activities but still have a long way to go,” Gakuba said. The Vice Mayor elaborated various government initiatives that have contributed to Rwanda’s progress, including, Performance contracts, Community work and decentralization.

Speaking to The New Times shortly after the meeting, Kabambe, said that Rwanda’s decentralization experience will be resourceful for his country.

"Rwanda is one of the African countries which is making  very good progress in the areas of decentralization programs, the main objective of our visit is to learn several developmental strategies and policies in this country because in Malawi, we are undertaking some reforms to improve the decentralization process in our country as well.”

KCC and the Malawian delegation promised to maintain a strong partnership between Kigali City and the Malawian Capital, Lilongwe.
