Rwanda, DRC launch 24 hour border post

In the bid to foster economic development and freedom of movement between the two countries, Rwanda and DRC have launched 24 hour border operations at the Gisenyi-Goma border (La Croniche).

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
L-R, Western Pronvince Governor Celestin Kabahizi, Gabriel Toyi of CEPEGL (center) as North Kivu Governor Julien Paluku looking on.(File photo)

In the bid to foster economic development and freedom of movement between the two countries, Rwanda and DRC have launched 24 hour border operations at the Gisenyi-Goma border (La Croniche).

According to Governor of South Kivu, Julien Kahongya Paluku the extension of business hours shows how much Rwanda and RDC relations have improved.

"From today we announce that, the people of Congo and Rwanda and their goods are free to move from one country to another at any time. We have discussed about it and agreed to do it and today we are launching the activity to remove restrictions, on our people,” Governor Paluku said
Speaking at the frontier, the Executive Secretary of Economic Community of Great Lakes region (CEPGEL) Ambassador Gabriel hailed the two countries for effort to eradicate all hostilities and restore bilateral relationship

"We’re all happy to witness this special activity of opening this frontier to operate full time, its one of our success achievement ever since CEPGEL was re-launched and we shall continue to support it and make all necessary follow-ups to insure all necessary needs are in place,” Toyi said

The CEPGEL boss also called upon the two countries to share information and eliminate any possible security threat that may arise and hinder resident’s freedom to cross the border freely.

"Our governments have agreed to restore diplomatic cooperation and this activity today affirms that our governments were serious on this. There is no reason why people can continue to be held captives of history,” Western Province Governor Celestin Kabahizi said.
