Minister reinstates sacked employee

The Minister of Public Service and Labour (MIFOTRA) has reinstated a former parliamentary employee, Baudoin Bwanakweli who was dropped following last year’s civil service evaluation exercise.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Minister of Public Service and Labour (MIFOTRA) has reinstated a former parliamentary employee, Baudoin Bwanakweli who was dropped following last year’s civil service evaluation exercise.

The minister, Anastase Murekezi had in his October 2, 2009 letter sacked Bwanakweli, saying there was no job for him in the Parliament. A reliable source from MIFOTRA told this newspaper yesterday that Murekezi took a U-turn and brought Bwanakweli back into public service, this time as an inspector in the General Inspectorate of Education in Remera.

Bwanakweli together with Moise Rusingizwa had been dropped during a civil service evaluation exercise that started in July last year. It was aimed at assessing civil servants’ competence; those who didn’t measure up were dropped.

Employees who scored 70 percent and above were supposed to be retained by their respective institutions.
Bwanakweli and Rusingizwa said they had scored the required 70% pass mark but the grades were tampered with.

The source said Bwanakweli and Rusingizwa were reinstated following the intervention by the office of Ombudsman early this year.

Rusingizwa has reportedly been sent to work in the Public Service Ministry.

"As for Bwanakweli, the minister appointed him on April 14, 2010. The exercise was messed up and some employees were victimized,” the source said.

The two employees petitioned the Office of the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman, Tito Rutaremara then instituted a probe team on January 27 to look into the matter.

On January 19, Rutaremara wrote to Parliament, demanding an explanation as to why the two employees had been fired yet they scored the required pass mark.

He directed that the two employees be re-instated immediately. Findings from the Public Service Commission probe indicated that last year’s civil service evaluation exercise was flawed and some employees ended up being fired unfairly.
