Inyange commits Rwf15m to boost production

Inyange industries a leading beverage industry in the country, has earmarked Rwf15 million to intensify its production capacity. The ‘out-growers’ program is one where Inyange engages farmers in business partnership to supply farmers with the required raw materials for production.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Inyange industries Head office.

Inyange industries a leading beverage industry in the country, has earmarked Rwf15 million to intensify its production capacity.

The ‘out-growers’ program is one where Inyange engages farmers in business partnership to supply farmers with the required raw materials for production.

According to Nils Zirimwabagabo the farms mobilization coordinator, the new planting season will kick off in September this year. He added that the company is looking forward to intensify relationship with farmers.

"We don’t engage in growing the raw materials ourselves but we sign contracts with local farmers and give them seedlings as well follow up the exercise,” said Zirimwabagabo.

However, before the new season begins, Inyange is still assessing how many farmers received the seedlings last season and how well they were used.

Zirimwabagabo also added that they have signed supplying contracts with about 12 cooperatives throughout the country.

"We are working with farmers who will cultivate 1,200 hectares of maracuja in the coming season as well as a separate arrangement for pineapples,” added Zirimwabagabo.

About increasing the production capacity of milk, Inyange said that by June or early July the company will also engaged in talks with potential diary farmers for supplies.

With the production capacity of processed milk still low, the company has acquired collection trucks with cooling systems that will help boost its production.

The new intensified drive to have farmers cultivate the huge chunk of land will see the factory increase its production of juice from 750 liters to 5,000 per hour.
