Rwanda’s development depends more on individual discipline

Editor, Like James Rohn stated: “Discipline is the foundation upon which all success is built. Lack of discipline inevitably leads to failure,” I would like to address my fellow countrymen on the vitality of the human value of discipline.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Individual discipline leads to development.


Like James Rohn stated: "Discipline is the foundation upon which all success is built. Lack of discipline inevitably leads to failure,” I would like to address my fellow countrymen on the vitality of the human value of discipline.

Discipline as a human value is not a new phenomenon. It doesn’t matter what position or status someone holds, discipline is something that has existed for ages and is passed on to the next generation—that’s why the younger generation always looks up to older people for guidance.

In Rwanda 16 years ago, most youth and children who partook in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi did what they did because of what the older generation—their parents, leaders and friends told them to do.

Today, as Rwanda stirs its history towards a positive direction, it’s important for all Rwandans to instill discipline into the younger generation while at the same time maintaining accountability on their part.

With accountability issues revolving around corruption, slander, laziness, unfairness and disorganization, will not exist.

Of course there is no perfect community but understanding the value of discipline and accountability will enable more Rwandans to understand how dear and worthwhile their country’s development is.

Giselle Manzi K.