Police calls for residents’ help to maintain road safety

GICUMBI – Residents of Gicumbi district have been urged to work closely with police to combat road accidents. The Gicumbi District Police Commander Supt. Jean De Dieu Gashiramanga made the call yesterday at Byumba Taxi Park, while launching the Police Week.

Monday, April 19, 2010
Gicumbi district Mayor, Bonane Nyangezi placing a road safety sticker on a vehicle in the company of Supt.Gashiramanga. (Photo: A. Gahene)

GICUMBI – Residents of Gicumbi district have been urged to work closely with police to combat road accidents. 

The Gicumbi District Police Commander Supt. Jean De Dieu Gashiramanga made the call yesterday at Byumba Taxi Park, while launching the Police Week.

"You should cooperate with the police to report drunk-driving, including those who do not wear safety belts, use cell phones while driving or are in the habit of giving bribes to traffic police to evade traffic offences,” said Gashiramanga.  

He also called on residents to actively participate in the police week programs by fighting all forms of gender based violence while seeking to protect the environment through tree planting and various other activities. 

On his part, the district Mayor Bonane Nyangezi asked residents to maintain security in their localities by cooperating with relevant security organs. "Security is the backbone of development and unity of all Rwandans,” he said. 

During the launch Police also sensitized residents of Gaseke trading center along Kigali- Gatuna highway, on road safety measures.
