EAC states commit to security initiatives

BUJUMBURA - The East African Community (EAC) partner states on Friday signed recommendations that would see a secure and stable bloc.

Sunday, April 18, 2010
security ministers from the EAC signing security recommendation during the third Inter-Security Council meeting in Bujumbura. (Courtsey Photo)

BUJUMBURA - The East African Community (EAC) partner states on Friday signed recommendations that would see a secure and stable bloc.

The signing ceremony held in Bujumbura, was presided over by Tanzania’s Minister in the Office of the President in Charge of Good Governance, Sophia Simba who also chaired the third EAC Inter-State Security council meeting.
Tanzania is this year’s Chairperson of the council.
Among the recommendations is a cooperation framework to deal with human and drug trafficking, motor vehicle thefts, harmonization of standard operating procedures for the police services and forces and update on Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) control initiatives.

The nine-point recommendations also include contemporary security threats with view to put in place mechanisms to smoothen the implementation of the Customs Union and Common Market Protocols scheduled to start in July this year.

The Minister of Internal Security, Fazil Musa Harerimana, signed the recommendations on behalf of the Rwandan government.

In a subsequent interview, Harerimana said that the recommendations were some of the instruments that will help government execute its duties.

"The new system of all people in the EAC to have national IDs will help us fight cross-border crimes since there will be easy identification,” Harerimana said.

Dealing with smugglers by sharing information among partner states and vehicle technical controls are other provisions he said would help Rwanda in executing its duties.

Of all the five member countries, Rwanda is the only country that conducts technical inspection of vehicles.
The signing of the recommendations was part of the five-day 3rd Inter-Security meeting that started Tuesday last week and brought together partner states’ Ministries in charge of internal affairs, security agencies and disaster management among others.

Other representatives from Rwanda included the Commissioner General of Police, Emmanuel Gasana.  
