Man held over alleged bestiality

HUYE - The Police at Ngoma Police Station are holding a 19-year old man accused of having sexual intercourse with a cow. Jean Damascen Nshimiyimana, a herdsman, has been on the run since late February when he was caught red-handed committing the act. 

Sunday, April 18, 2010

HUYE - The Police at Ngoma Police Station are holding a 19-year old man accused of having sexual intercourse with a cow.

Jean Damascen Nshimiyimana, a herdsman, has been on the run since late February when he was caught red-handed committing the act. 

"I was on a routine evening visit to my farm only to find the herdsman (Nshimiyimana) having sex with one of my cows,” said Innocent Nkundabatware, a resident of Taba Cell in Butare town, the owner of the farm. 

"I tried to arrest him on spot but he overpowered me and fled but I managed to get his clothes.” 

Nkundabatware, who said that he was saddened by what he saw, continued searching for the herdsman until he got him last Wednesday. 

"I found him walking freely in Tumba Sector, I immediately alerted the Police and he was subsequently arrested,” said Nkundabatware. 

According to a mental health specialist at Kabutare Hospital in Butare town, such acts are committed by people living with mental problems. 

"A normal person cannot have sex with an animal, either that man was traumatized or was under the influence of drugs, said Dr Jean Paul Murindabigwi of Kabutare Hospital. 

Police said the suspect will have to undergo medical examination to determine his sanity, but added there is no law that punishes bestiality.
