prostitutes vow to abandon their trade

NORTHERN PROVINCE MUSANZE — After accepting voluntary HIV counseling and testing, former prostitutes in Musanze have formed an income generating association and vowed to abandon their trade.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


MUSANZE — After accepting voluntary HIV counseling and testing, former prostitutes in Musanze have formed an income generating association and vowed to abandon their trade.

About 273 women formerly engaged in sex trade, some with children, this week accepted HIV testing and committed to begin a new life; under an association called Tubutsinde. Their association will reportedly engage in productive ventures.

Amid singing and dancing, the women said they would adopt precautionary measures against Aids and offer home-based care to their colleagues who tested positive.

"we want to begin the New Year with a new commitment of self control, we felt it wise to come together and form an association that will help us engage in profitable and least risky business,” Cecile Uwineza, one of the group said.

AMIR-[Association Ihorere Munyarwanda], the association that supported the program, offered to train 20 members of the group in safeguarding mechanisms against sexually transmitted diseases, primary health care and how to handle traumatized or sexually abused individuals.

Damascene Kamana, Aids district coordinator, asked those who were found infected to seek medical attention.
