Perfect Weekend….

Victoire Gakiza is a movie maker at TG Clip in Nyamirambo, a Kigali city suburb. He says that because the movie industry is picking up, his work days are always busy. Based on that, Gakiza says the weekend is his free time to relax. Here is how:

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Victoire Gakiza

Victoire Gakiza is a movie maker at TG Clip in Nyamirambo, a Kigali city suburb. He says that because the movie industry is picking up, his work days are always busy. Based on that, Gakiza says the weekend is his free time to relax. Here is how:

I start the weekend on Friday at around 7p.m. I get home to relax a bit, change into weekend wear and set off to Sky hotel since it is near home. If not, I may go to Cadillac discotheque with my friends.

I enjoy until 2a.m when I get home and by 3, I am in bed.

On Saturday, because of Friday’s late sleep I wake up late. I spend the morning watching television or series of different movies.

I enjoy Ugali and fish with bread for lunch. The evening will see me with my friends at Tranquille bar in Gatsata until 9 when I head home.

On Sunday, I spend almost the whole day at home engaging in various home activities. I also make myself occupied as I listen to

music until I when I go to bed.
That makes my weekend perfect

Photo G. Mugoya