A day in the life of....

Jean Bosco Mutijima is the founder of Under-Age Christian Mission (UCM), an NGO aiming at restoring hope for Child Mothers through educating some of the drop-outs as well as empowering them with life skills.

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Jean Bosco Mutijima

Jean Bosco Mutijima is the founder of Under-Age Christian Mission (UCM), an NGO aiming at restoring hope for Child Mothers through educating some of the drop-outs as well as empowering them with life skills.

Below he shares his typical working day:
I wake up at 4a..m and pray for 30 minute before I switch on to VOA morning news. At 6a.m, I have breakfast as I also arrange what I have to move out with depending on the days` program.

Based on my destination which might either be office or the field, by 8a.m I am out of home.

I however get to the office before I head to the field. The field comprises knocking at doors of different institutions and organizations to advocate and search for sponsors to assist Under-Age Child Mothers and their children.

This also means meeting those I already secured appointments with. Although lunch depends on the load I sometimes have, between mid day and 1p.m is when I have it.

If I happen to have no appointment after lunch, I get to the office to identify what I managed to accomplish as I also plan for what never went the right way.

It is this time to also check on the internet to try chances of research for international sponsors. If I am not in the field or in office, it means I am checking on my businesses out there. At least I get home after 10 and have supper at around 11p.m.

I say a prayer before I get to bed at about 11:30p.m. 

Photo G. Mugoya