INILAK can be more senstitive

Editor, I think that the residents of Busasamana Sector in Nyanza District have every reason to be up in arms over the careless exhumation of remains of Genocide victims from a piece of land belonging to the Independent Institute of Lay Adventists in Kigali (INILAK) in the Southern Province, where it is establishing another campus.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I think that the residents of Busasamana Sector in Nyanza District have every reason to be up in arms over the careless exhumation of remains of Genocide victims from a piece of land belonging to the Independent Institute of Lay Adventists in Kigali (INILAK) in the Southern Province, where it is establishing another campus.

It is my belief that, if there are any Genocide victims buried on INILAK land, then there should be the involment of Ibuka and local government.

I’m reading that the remains of victims are being handled haphazardly; this is unacceptable. I think that those victims deserve to be respectfully buried.

They were peoples loved ones. A bit more sensitivity is called for here.
