Prioritizing memorial sites is necessary

Editor, I think that the National Commission for the fight Against the Genocide is correct to prioritize five major memorial sites in the country. This is a wise move especially when one realizes just how dilapidated some of the most important memorials had become.

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Some of the structures of Bisesero Memorial Site. This is one of the sites to be made priority


I think that the National Commission for the fight Against the Genocide is correct to prioritize five major memorial sites in the country.

This is a wise move especially when one realizes just how dilapidated some of the most important memorials had become.

The sites of Murambi, Bisesero, Nyarubuye, Ntarama and Nyamata are of historic significance and everything must be done to keep them in good condition.

However, while there should not be priorities, it is my hope that the smaller memorials, at district and sector level, should be left to crumble.

Local authorities should do what they can to keep those smaller memorials in good condition as well.

Maria Mupende