Gicumbi ex-combatants with disabilities to receive support

GICUMBI – A team of medical experts are carrying out medical examination on ex-combatants with disabilities in Gicumbi district, to ascertain their degree of disability in order to benefit from government assistance. Speaking to The New Times on Wednesday, the Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission (RDRC) medical rehabilitation Unit coordinator, Dr. Eugene Rutayombya, said the ex-combatants with disabilities shall be categorized in four groups. 

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Ex-combatants lining up for medical examination at Gicumbi district on Wednesday. (Photo: A. Gahene)

GICUMBI – A team of medical experts are carrying out medical examination on ex-combatants with disabilities in Gicumbi district, to ascertain their degree of disability in order to benefit from government assistance. 

Speaking to The New Times on Wednesday, the Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission (RDRC) medical rehabilitation Unit coordinator, Dr. Eugene Rutayombya, said the ex-combatants with disabilities shall be categorized in four groups. 

"The first category shall have houses built for them, in addition to free medical care and subsistence allowance of Rwf50,000 monthly, while the second category will also have houses built for them in addition to free medical care plus monthly stipend ofRwf35,000”, said Rutayombya. 

Rutayombya further said that the third category of ex-combatants with disabilities shall receive monthly subsistence allowance of Rwf25000, while the fourth category will receive Rwf20,000 monthly.

"The third and fourth category shall benefit from medical treatment, for disabilities incurred during the time of carrying out active military service only,” he added.

The officer in-charge of the medical committee carrying out medical the examination Dr. Dominique Savio Mugenzi, explained that those placed in the first category are ex-combatants having 90 percent and above of disabilities, while the second category range from 70 to 89 percent of disability. 

"The third category ranges from 50 to 69 percent of disability, while the fourth category ranges from 30 to 49 percent disability,” said Mugenzi.
