The initiatives of PSF are positive

Editor, This letter is in reference to your article highlighting the initiatives being taken by the Private Sector Federation in business promotion. It is commendable that Molly Rwigamba, acting CEO, PSF is exploring several avenues to encourage and promote suitable business plans and is even offering financial assistance to viable projects.

Monday, April 12, 2010


This letter is in reference to your article highlighting the initiatives being taken by the Private Sector Federation in business promotion.

It is commendable that Molly Rwigamba, acting CEO, PSF is exploring several avenues to encourage and promote suitable business plans and is even offering financial assistance to viable projects.

Small and medium enterprises need the support of a federation and Rwanda’s PSF is surely working in the right direction.

The EXPO RWANDA, which the PSF organizes also serves as a great platform for SMEs in Rwanda to showcase their products and services and thereby enables them to reach overseas buyers and markets at a minimal cost.

Kind regards

Clarence Fernandes
Chairman, Rwanda Renaissance