NEC officials offer support to Genocide survivors

GICUMBI – Representatives of the National Electoral Commission (NEC) in Byumba Sector, Gicumbi district, and residents on Monday participated in cultivating crops and fencing houses of genocide survivors in Ruyaga village, Gacurabwenge Cell.

Monday, April 12, 2010
NEC sector officials and residents of Ruyaga village offered support to a survivor by cultivating land to grow vegetables. (Photo: A. Gahene)

GICUMBI – Representatives of the National Electoral Commission (NEC) in Byumba Sector, Gicumbi district, and residents on Monday participated in cultivating crops and fencing houses of genocide survivors in Ruyaga village, Gacurabwenge Cell.

Speaking to The New Times, the NEC officer in-charge of Byumba Sector, Devota Mukamurenzi said the community work (Umuganda) to assist survivors would continue throughout the commemoration period.

"Genocide survivors need our material and physical support during this period as majority of them are elderly widows who need our support,” said Mukamurenzi. 

The Executive Secretary for Gacurabwenge Cell, Elie Nzabarinda, said area residents have developed a spirit of helping each other.

"They assist one another through carrying out regular village community work,” said Nzabarinda. 

Philomène Nyirabyana aged 43 and Viviane Umulisa, 55, two of the beneficiaries of the residents’ support hailed the residents for their humanitarian gesture.

"I am extremely happy to see residents coming forth to give us support,” said Nyirabyana.
