Never again !

Genocide is one of the worst things that can happen to a people that speak the same language, have the same dreams and live together harmoniously.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Genocide is one of the worst things that can happen to a people that speak the same language, have the same dreams and live together harmoniously.

Genocide ideologies are a symptom of the inner most hatred and bitterness embed in one’s heart. This symptom breeds all kinds of evil. Rwanda has its own tragic story to tell. In one voice, we have agreed that; NEVER AGAIN and yet in our very midst, there seems to be some uncalled for mummers about the possibility of experiencing another mayhem. It is for this reason that the African Intelligence officers met to find new strategies of completely eliminating Genocide ideologies and assisting in the arrests of Rwandan Genocide fugitives.

I am optimistic that the new strategy will wipe out all the ideas of wanting to divide humanity.
