Condolences Poland

Editor, I want to send my condolences to the Polish community living in Rwanda,  upon the death of their President Jaroslaw Kaczynski and his First Lady. This accident, which brutally ended the lives of 88 passengers and eight crew members, is tragic.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I want to send my condolences to the Polish community living in Rwanda,  upon the death of their President Jaroslaw Kaczynski and his First Lady. This accident, which brutally ended the lives of 88 passengers and eight crew members, is tragic.

This news was extremely shocking to me as a Rwandan citizen and I can only imagine what members of the Polish community are feeling.

I want to send out my heartfelt condolences to the people of Poland. You are all in my prayers, especially the families of the crash victims.

Lilian Mutamba