Genocide victims’ remains still in fish pond – survivors

GISAGARA – Genocide survivors in Mbazi and Save sectors in Gisagara district have called on local authorities to exhume remains of Genocide victims which are believed to be still buried in Cyadisha fish pond located in Save sector.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

GISAGARA – Genocide survivors in Mbazi and Save sectors in Gisagara district have called on local authorities to exhume remains of Genocide victims which are believed to be still buried in Cyadisha fish pond located in Save sector.

The call was made on Wednesday during the start of the Genocide commemoration week held around the 15 metre deep pond.

Genocide survivors in the area said that no effort has been done over the years to ensure that remains of all victims in the area are accorded a decent burial.

"People around here cannot eat fish because they fear that the fish are from the pond where we believe our people were dumped,” Daphrose Mukarutama, the representative of survivors in Save sector said.

"We want this pond drained so that we can be able to retrieve any remains of the Genocide victims.”

Residents say water from the pond, located in a swampy area between Savea and Mbazi sectors was used for irrigation activities during dry seasons but the place turned into a dumping ground for bodies of Tutsi killed during the 1994 Genocide.

Jean Claude Kabarisa, the Executive Secretary of Save Sector, acknowledged that there could be some remains still left in the pond but added that the sector has no financial ability to search the waters for the remains.

"The process is not easy, it requires a lot of resources, we will involve the leadership of the two districts [Huye and Gisagara] to chat out the way forward,” said Kabarisa.

Cyadisha pond joins the two districts of Huye and Gisagara. The number of people believed to have been dumped in the pond is still unknown. Officials expect to come up with figures by the end of the mourning period.
