Anglican Bishop elect decries the Genocide

KAYONZA – Kigali Bishop Elect of the Anglican Church, the Right Reverend Bishop Louis Muvunyi, on Wednesday decried the torture and killings of the Tutsi during the 1994 Genocide.

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Bishop Elect the Right Reverend Bishop Louis Muvunyi join Gahini residents in mourning. (Photo: S. Rwembeho)

KAYONZA – Kigali Bishop Elect of the Anglican Church, the Right Reverend Bishop Louis Muvunyi, on Wednesday decried the torture and killings of the Tutsi during the 1994 Genocide.

He further decried the manner in which the murderers preceded to dispose of the bodies of the Genocide victims whose remains were dumped into lakes and rivers.

While addressing hundreds of mourners who gathered along the shores of Lake Muhazi in Gahini sector for the 16th Genocide commemoration, the Bishop recalled seeing bodies of victims floating on water during the Genocide.

"My parents and relatives were killed and dumped into this lake. I only survived because I had gone to study in Tanzania.

So, when I sit close to this lake, I try to come to terms with what happened…,” he said.

Muvunyi called on Rwandans to bury the past and live in unity and peace.

He said that revealing the truth about what went wrong will pave way for lasting peace in Rwanda.

Monsignor Alexis Birindabagabo, of Gahini Diocese, said that the past bad history of genocide should be erased by engaging in new initiatives to create lasting bond among Rwandans.

In attendance were residents of Rukara, Gahini and Kiziguro sectors, The exact number of victims that perished in the area is yet to be established.
