Gasabo District honours Nyabugogo Genocide victims

Officials from Gasabo District yesterday visited Nduba Sector where they paid tribute to the Genocide victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi who were killed and thrown in Nyabugogo River in Nduba sector.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Officials from Gasabo District yesterday visited Nduba Sector where they paid tribute to the Genocide victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi who were killed and thrown in Nyabugogo River in Nduba sector.

Speaking to over 2,500 mourners in Gatunga cell, the Mayor of Gasabo, Willy Ndizeye, said that they visited the area in order to remember and pay respect to those who were killed and thrown in the River, the majority of whom have never been recovered.

"It’s a shameful act to every national of this country, that our fellow Rwandans who were killed and dumped in this river, were murdered by Interahamwe militias who were fellow Rwandans,” Ndizeye said.

He urged them to always remember what occurred during the Genocide and to take it as a serious lesson in their day-to-day lives.

The Mayor further called upon survivors to have hope in life and promised them that the district would always provide them support, especially the vulnerable.

Residents were encouraged to fight against Genocide ideology and concentrate on developmental activities in their respective residential and work places.

He further consoled survivors whose relatives were among the victims thrown into the river, urging them to remain calm instead of always feeling remorse over what happened to them. 

The District Police Commander of Gasabo, Supt Innocent Semigabo, called upon all residents to maintain the security of Genocide survivors and render any assistance they may need.
