Commentary: Impact of genocide on human health

Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large number of people on racial or ethnic grounds. It is always a mindless violence initiated by few individuals and followed without reason by many.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large number of people on racial or ethnic grounds. It is always a mindless violence initiated by few individuals and followed without reason by many.

Last century witnessed genocides in many countries of the world including this beautiful country of a thousand hills.
 There is loss of manpower and much destruction due to killings, mutilations and wanton destruction of property.

Genocides have a grave negative impact on the health status of the society involved. Diseases invariably break out after any such holocaust. It is not only the victims but the perpetuators also who are affected.

The health services available usually fall short of the large amount of demand placed on them. Result is, after the killings stop, people suffer and die because of diseases.

This negatively affects the development and progress of the affected community.
Diarrhoeal diseases are the first to occur in the aftermath of genocide. People are displaced from their homes in large numbers and live as refugees in make shift accommodation.

In spite of efforts by government and non government agencies, it is difficult to maintain environmental and personal hygiene and provide clean potable drinking water to such large number of people.

Result is food and   water borne diseases like cholera, typhoid, worm infestation, amoebiasis, e.t.c. Many people suffer from malaria as there is no adequate protection from mosquitoes in the bush, where many people hide or even in the refugee camps.

A large number of people displaced, live and sleep in closed space   leading to overcrowding. This becomes a source of diseases like pneumonia and T.B. of the lungs. 

Skin diseases like fungal infections, scabies, boils and abscesses also abound in plenty in such places due to overcrowding and lack of adequate hygiene.

Inadequate number of health personnel, lack of diagnostic facilities and  sufficient number of medicines compound these problems and contributes to spread of illnesses. 

Women are always innocent victims of any conflict or genocide in any part of the world. They are raped and abused, just to spite the ethnic community which is the target of the genocide. 

The result is sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS. It is not only the women but the ones committing the crime, who get affected.

Various conflicts have   been a cause for rise in prevalence of HIV in affected countries.

Apart from the physical diseases, such genocides become a source of much mental stress and related problems.  Frequent quarrels and violence over petty issues become common in the victims of such genocides due to various reasons.

Extreme mental stress due to the fear induced by imminent threat to one’s life leads to rise of tempers over small things. 

Limited resources available   for the very basic physical needs also become a source of infighting among people.

Post traumatic stress syndrome or P.T.S.S. is the malady people experience after suffering from or witnessing such mindless violence. This becomes a life long health related problem.  Those affected suffer from palpitations, sweating, nightmares, e.t.c.

psychosomatic problems, sometimes for their whole lives. Thus they cease to be productive citizens of the community and rather become a liability.

Thus sickness does not differentiate between a victim or perpetuator of genocide and affects all.  As peace reigns in, diseases take over making people suffer.

Nobody knows this better than health personnel who are vigilant about such problems.  Health personnel can sensitize the people about the impact of such conflicts on human health.

Apart from curing the physical diseases, they can help much in bringing survivors of such conflicts back into the mainstream again.

Efforts made by the government here, to unite people are laudable and being appreciated world over. This has also helped in improving overall health status of the people recovering from genocide that took place 16 years ago.