How to increase sales this Christmas

Now that Christmas is underway, you need to get the best (profits) out of your business. Many of us do the shopping, moving to new residential areas, bla… bla… every December in preparation for the massive celebration.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Now that Christmas is underway, you need to get the best (profits) out of your business. Many of us do the shopping, moving to new residential areas, bla… bla… every December in preparation for the massive celebration.

End of year parties are thrown with bonuses for best performers as well as remunerations for other employees. So they seem to have just enough money to meet the exorbitant bills.

One of the reasons as to why you are in business is basically to make profits, but how can one get profits this Christmas season amidst cutthroat competition? You don’t have to run after the business, but rather learn how to attract customers it into your jurisdiction.

This is loaded with practical and mental sales ideas and tips to help one get even more business oriented than you ever thought. There are the reasons winners win: it is simply because they have a burning desire to win. If you don’t have it, get it here.

For one to achieve success in sales, one must adopt a "Simplicity works best” mindset. This is common sense applied to easy-to-learn "Simple truths.” Actually my sales tips are simple truths in disguise but highly prioritised sales tips for you.

Firstly, never give up when doing the negotiation with a customer. The more you talk about your price, the lower it gets to the customer.
Secondly, practicing what you are to preach. You do not need to talk anything but rather explain this and that about product and why it’s worth that much. The less you say to your sales prospects and customers, the smarter you’ll sound. This is a humongous sales tip!

However, those are just practices which need to be skills for accompaniment. These will give you a prospective insight into your personal strength. There will create an individual distinction.

The skills are by philosopher Aristotle laid out in three Greek words what must be done to sell anything: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.

Ethos is an emotional trust and understanding you must first establish in yourself with your prospects. This is also another simple truth because you get what you expect, so always expect the best outcome in every selling situation. So you should always have trust in your predictions irrespective of your business situations.

Some techniques for establishing a trusting relationship include referrals, branding, reputation, client lists.

Pathos refers to sorrow state or sadness.

This requires you must establish an emotional reason for buying your product/service. This supports the eagerness you have to see your business restocked in the shortest time possible due to increased sales
Logos requires you to present logical reasons why your product/service is superior compared to others with your competitor.

Writer is a qualified marketer