Has any lesson been learnt from Rwanda?

Editor, As Rwanda commemorates 16 years after the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, I would like to ask African countries to take a leaf from Rwanda on how it has developed and managed to bring unity among its citizens.

Thursday, April 08, 2010


As Rwanda commemorates 16 years after the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, I would like to ask African countries to take a leaf from Rwanda on how it has developed and managed to bring unity among its citizens.

The system of hatred based on tribe, religion, political affiliation is not going to take us anywhere. 

What happened in Rwanda in 1994 was bad for the image of the country and Africa as a whole. African countries failed to protect the innocent people who were dying in the hands of the murderers.

This makes me realize that African countries should forge a United States of Africa, with a continental army, which would deal with intra-African conflicts.

Another lesson is that the UN should learn to act quickly. We don’t want a body which fails to act and then later comes back to apologize for its inaction. If the lives of people are at stake there isn’t time for the Security Council to vote if the United Nations should act or not.

My last appeal is that more should be done on Somalia so that peace can prevail in that country. Where are the countries which promised to send troops to that country?

Please African leaders, do something to bring peace in Somalia. I know YOU CAN

Jubilee Erisania Amooti