A thief has only forty days

Editor, Reading that Victoire Ingabire, the controversial leader of FDU-Inkingi, has been deposed in an orchestrated move by her European-based colleagues, is quite amusing. While she was telling all and sundry that the Rwandan government was out to get her, maybe she should have been watching her back instead.

Thursday, April 08, 2010
Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza


Reading that Victoire Ingabire, the controversial leader of FDU-Inkingi, has been deposed in an orchestrated move by her European-based colleagues, is quite amusing.

While she was telling all and sundry that the Rwandan government was out to get her, maybe she should have been watching her back instead.

It seems that under proper inspection, her façade is coming apart at the seams.

I think that this political hooligan isn’t in touch with either the Rwandan people or her own backers in Europe and North America. She assumed that she would be the ‘Duke of Wellington’ who handed the government its ‘Waterloo’; however, it’s obvious that the unrelenting scrutiny is her Waterloo.

While she came back calling herself the ‘Messiah’, she was obviously delusional. She had her forty days; she’s now like an antelope caught in headlights.

Sam Rwego