Add a touch of personal flair to your staircase

Interior staircases are a requirement for homes with more than one level, they are capable of making a striking statement and can act as an architectural focal point. A staircase is a great place to be creative. Although it is usually overlooked, this area plays an essential role in the day-to-day lifestyle.

Thursday, April 08, 2010
L-R : Paint coordinating motifs or colors on the risers to transform your staircase ; Metal spiral rails with wooden stairs are wonderful for creating an elegant look ; Paint a runner directly only the staircase for a customized look

Interior staircases are a requirement for homes with more than one level, they are capable of making a striking statement and can act as an architectural focal point.

A staircase is a great place to be creative. Although it is usually overlooked, this area plays an essential role in the day-to-day lifestyle. For this reason, the décor plan of any home should include the staircase.

This will bring in a personal flair to a usually unnoticed area, and guarantee that no one else will have the same exclusive style as yours.

First let’s take a look at the design and construction of stairs. Stairs are a set of steps built between two floors. To become fully functional a staircase is created by building posts and rails on the sides of stairs, not only will this provide style but it will also act as a hazard precaution in allowing the safe passage of people from one level to another.

Unlike a colour or a lighting system, the design and finish of the staircase will usually be a permanent feature of a home or building. Stairs can be constructed from materials such as timber, concrete, steel and even glass (with the help of modern technology).

Although there are various types of stair designs, the basic principle remains the same; they should be comfortable to walk up and down on. For this to happen, the surface of each step should, if at all possible, be large enough to fit the length of a foot.

Also, the distance between each step should not be too steep otherwise they will be difficult to climb. Keeping the above in mind will provide an ideal base to build onto with staircase décor.

Add details to railings

The most common staircase type is a straight style. These are typically constructed in a straight set or built to form an L shape. Most homes will have stairs like this as they are practical and easy to build in. In such cases, one side of the staircase normally joins a wall and has railings on the other side for extra comfort and safety.

Rails are typically made of wood, although they are also available in metal. Both forms of rails give you the opportunity to have extra details added to them.

In the case of those made of wood, this may include a round knob at the end of each rail to add some diversity and style. You can have metal rails customized to create swirls or other shapes that form an interesting look.

Customize stairs and integrate the walls

To make the steps unique, instead of using the same wood or tiles installed throughout the entire house, you can use a separate color, or even different material altogether.
If your staircase is joined to a wall on one or both sides, treat them as though they are part of the staircase.

Integrate the wall or walls by coating them in paint colours that complement your choice of stairs and railing. Wall art, hangings and photographs work brilliantly as a finishing touch.

A stair runner is a narrow carpet that is strategically placed to cover the complete length of a staircase. Carpet runners are effective for creating a sense of coziness. However they may not be the most ideal form of staircase décor due to our dusty surroundings.

Create a customized stair runner by painting directly onto a flight of stairs, this will be ideal because unlike a carpet runner, it will not move or need to be vacuumed, rather a damp cloth will do the trick in cleaning it.

Cement stairs are ideal for painting on, if you have them in your home, the following tips will enable you create an original look. 

Once you have painted the base coat on the staircase and it is dry, measure a desired distance from the wall and railing inward, on each step and riser (the vertical space between each step).

Then mark with a pencil or marker where the runner will be painted. The shape of the runner will depend on your preference.

If you like something simple, measure straight lines on either side to create a narrow rectangular shape from the top to the bottom of the staircase. On the other hand, if want something playful, paint three strips down the staircase in alternating colours.

If you have a large wall hanging with interesting colours and patterns on the staircase walls, and you want a spontaneous look, ask a professional painter to paint coordinating motifs or colors on the steps and risers
No matter what your preference is, you have plenty of options to set your home apart through customizing your staircase.

To avoid any unnecessary accidents, consider safety aspects before beauty for both the design and décor of your staircase. After all, a beautiful design without much functionality is not of much use.

The author specializes in Interiors and Fashion