Electoral sensitisation shifts to Ethiopia, Djibouti

The National Electoral Commission (NEC) has continued its sensitization campaigns to inform Rwandans in the Diaspora on the August 9 Presidential elections.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The National Electoral Commission (NEC) has continued its sensitization campaigns to inform Rwandans in the Diaspora on the August 9 Presidential elections.

After South Africa, Uganda and Tanzania, NEC officials Moise Bukasa and Jean de Dieu Rutatika are in Ethiopia and Djibouti to assess the state of affairs in terms of electoral process and make sure fellow Rwandans in the Diaspora keep abreast with the preparations.

The duo left Kigali on March 26, and returned on April 2, 2010.

Similar tours will be continued in other countries that host considerable numbers of Rwandans like Burundi, Kenya, India, USA, Canada and some countries in Europe. Next on the schedule will be Burundi and Kenya which also host large numbers of Rwandans.

The commission has also set up committees at the sector level chaired by Executive Secretaries to sensitize people on the polls.

The coordination committees made up of volunteers and youths, women, the private sector and civil society organisations, will also sensitize the population on good governance and democratic processes.
