CDLS elects leaders to fight AIDS in Rusizi District

RUSIZI – CDLS (Comité de District de Lutte contre le SIDA), a committee under CNLS that fights against HIV/AIDS prevalence at the district level, yesterday elected new leaders in Rusizi district.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

RUSIZI – CDLS (Comité de District de Lutte contre le SIDA), a committee under CNLS that fights against HIV/AIDS prevalence at the district level, yesterday elected new leaders in Rusizi district.

The CDLS committee had not held any meetings for the last two years, an issue they blamed on the lack of commitment from the former leaders.

According to Janvier Serubungo, the CDLS co-ordinator at Rusizi district level, electing leaders is a huge step towards re-starting CDLS activities.

CDLS activities include having clear statistics of people living with HIV, sensitizing through awareness within the media and advocating for unity among people towards the goal of curbing HIV prevalence.

Serubungo revealed that some HIV positive people are involved in sexual activities with those who are not infected, a factor he attributed to ignorance.

"Many residents are not informed of the dangers related to the scourge. So sensitization is very important in fighting the scourge,” said Serubungo.

The newly elected committee members pledged to have in place an elaborate programme that will initially focus on Bugarama sector, where statistics show that HIV infection is highest.

"We are to start with tackling Bugarama before rolling out in other areas,” said Albert Nzacahinyeretse, the newly elected committee chairman.

CDLS is comprised of representatives drawn from the local leadership ranks.
