Dealing with genocide trauma

Lack of proper skills to deal with traumatised people does not only harm the victims, but also the health workers who attend to them.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Lack of proper skills to deal with traumatised people does not only harm the victims, but also the health workers who attend to them.

It is also a very well known fact that mental stability is vital for every personnel before and after active service.

It is in this light that a team of forty-one ICTR personnel in Kigali have acquired psycho-trauma debriefing training on how to interact with witnesses and victims of the horrendous murders.

Conducting debriefing allows a more complete cure of a traumatic event and reducing its magnitude to the victim.

People suffering from trauma due to the 1994 Genocide are able to benefit from an International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) physiotherapy service.

Talking about event alone enables the victim to clear an emerging traumatic situation.
