Procedure to get a driver’s license is too long

Editor, On Thursday April 1, I went to the Kigali Independent University (ULK) to sit for written driver’s exam that was being administered by the National Police.

Saturday, April 03, 2010
Traffic Police at work.


On Thursday April 1, I went to the Kigali Independent University (ULK) to sit for written driver’s exam that was being administered by the National Police.

After the exam, I was informed by an officer that the results would be handed back in two months. I was surprised that it would take that long to get feedback to a short exam that can be marked in a matter of minutes.

The National Police should look into alternative measures, so that applicants do not have to wait long to know whether they have passed or not.

As a way of improving service delivery, various public institutions have shortened the time to which they respond to the clients. People would rather pay an extra fee to have their results as soon as possible than remain in a dark for a whole two months.
