Health Ministry aids flood victims

WESTERN PROVINCE NYABIHU — The Ministry of Health last week donated bedding materials and other household commodities to flood victims of Bigogwe.

Monday, December 17, 2007


NYABIHU — The Ministry of Health last week donated bedding materials and other household commodities to flood victims of Bigogwe.

The items included   clothes, 1000 cups, beddings and Frw300, 000 cash to help residents in Bigogwe Nyabihu district whose houses and property were destroyed by the September 12 floods.

In his remarks, Claude Sekabaraga, who led the delegation reaffirmed the Ministry of Health commitment to support the group until they are fully established in good and permanent homes with all sanitation requirements including permanent toilets.

 "The district authority should design a plan to provide electricity to all health centers in Bigogwe to provide good health services to flood victims and other residents of Bigogwe and the neighboring sectors.

The Ministry of Health is always ready to provide any necessary support,” said Sekabaraga.
Sekabaraga who heads planning and finance in the Ministry of Health, also promised to pay next year’s health insurance charges- Mutuelle de santé-for all the 364 families affected by floods.

On behalf of residents, area sector coordinator Emanuel Ndabarinze thanked the Ministry of Health for their continuous support since the floods.
He said that the ministry has been close to them ever since the floods providing various aid including drugs and other services which has kept them healthy.

"The continuous influx of displaced people due to floods in September had increased fears of possible outbreak of epidemic diseases but the continuous medical support and supervision by the Ministry of Health prevented all these out breaks and people are healthy,” he said.

He thanked all the responsible bodies including the government and non governmental organizations for their support that has enabled the current construction of houses for the group in Kijote sector.

Vice mayor in charge of social affairs, Vestine Gasongaire who represented the district at the function also thanked the ministry for the donation and called upon residents to adopt family planning methods to produce few children they can take care of. 

Francoise Mukagatare one of the flood victims told The New Times that firewood has remained their big challenge.  

The heavy rains of September 12 killed 17 people in Bigogwe sector and destroyed property and several homes leaving many people homeless in Nyabihu and Rubavu districts.
