FDLR attacks on civilians declining– DRC Army

Attacks by the FDLR on the population of the Eastern Democratic Republic Congo have drastically reduced in the past months, Congolese army spokesman, Capt. Olivier Hamuli has said.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Attacks by the FDLR on the population of the Eastern Democratic Republic Congo have drastically reduced in the past months, Congolese army spokesman, Capt. Olivier Hamuli has said.

Speaking to The New Times from Bukavu, Capt. Hamuli stressed that the pressure currently being amounted on the rebel movement has led to the reduction of attacks on the civilian population in remote areas of the country.

"We continue to mount operations against small groups of the FDLR in the region. Their capacity of fighting has been reduced,” said Hamuli.

In January, the three military chiefs of the Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries (CEPGL), a regional grouping that brings together Rwanda, the DRC and Burundi, agreed to maintain military pressure on FDLR rebels in eastern of DRC.

Gen. James Kabarebe of Rwanda, DRC army Chief, Lt. Gen. Didier Etumba and Burundi’s Maj. Gen. Godefroid Niyombari, made the commitment during a meeting in the western Congolese port city of Matadi.

They also recommended setting up a joint monitoring mechanism and the sharing of intelligence information as well as the need for regular meetings between FARDC and RDF to harmonize plans.

Rwanda Defence Forces spokesman, Maj. Jill Rutaremara confirmed Wednesday that intelligence exchanges and other related issues have been going on well but noted that the date for the next high level meeting has changed.

"We continue to share intelligence, and if we can help in any way possible, we always do,” Maj. Rutaremara said.

"The meeting will be held in Kisangani but the exact date is yet to be conclusively confirmed. It will not be the 15th of April as announced”.
