Editorial: Nurture and don’t kill

It is very disappointing to see future Rwandans being tarnished by the very people who are supposed to be helping them.

Monday, December 17, 2007

It is very disappointing to see future Rwandans being tarnished by the very people who are supposed to be helping them.

These rising cases of genocide ideologies which are continuously taking place in primary and secondary school should be seriously fought against.

Teachers or parents who are spoiling their children with such ideologies should be punished because they are not nurturing.

Since we all know the horror that befell our country in 1994, why then should we try to make history repeat its self by poisoning the minds of our innocent children.

And why can’t we leave the evil deeds of the past remain as history and never to be mentioned again?

Dear teachers, parents and guardians, if you say that you are nurturing children into future leaders, why then do you want to spoil them with ideologies which are of no help?

Let us have a sense of humanity. Why should we continuously reflect on a terrible history and yet we benefit nothing.

You had better empower children with developmental ideas rather than giving them worthless knowledge which will lead them to turmoil.

Rwanda is a developing country; it has come from far and still has a long journey ahead. Help the government to build instead of dismantling what has so far been put in place.
