Farmers told to avoid encroaching on protected areas along the lakes

RWAMAGANA/KAYONZA – The Rwanda Environmental Management Authority (REMA), through its Decentralisation of Environmental Programme (DEMP), has appealed to farmers around Lake Muhazi to avoid human activities within a radius of 50 meters from the water body. 

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

RWAMAGANA/KAYONZA – The Rwanda Environmental Management Authority (REMA), through its Decentralisation of Environmental Programme (DEMP), has appealed to farmers around Lake Muhazi to avoid human activities within a radius of 50 meters from the water body. 

Engineer Patrick Nsabimana, the Rwamagana district coordinator of REMA/DEMP noted that some farmers ignore advice of experts on farming along the lake shores. 

"Some farmers are abiding by our set guidelines and by so doing we are promising them support for the activities they are doing… however those not heeding our instructions will have to be held to account,” he said. 

"We want them to understand that we are restraining them for the good of the lake and the people. It is important to have a balance between the environment and business.”

He appealed to those who want to build hotels or beaches along the lake to seek permission, so that an environmental impact assessment is first done by experts. 

Geoffrey Mushaija, the Executive Secretary of Rwamagana district said that more sensitisation is required to make farmers and other users respect the environmental law.  

DEMP has dug a 71 kilometer trench along lake Muhazi. REMA also plans to plant spear grass and trees to protect the lake.
